Our Fertility Experts Published Abstracts | The Evewell - The Evewell
Medical Director

Mr Colin Davis

Published Abstracts

Mr Colin Davis is the medical director and co-founder at The Evewell, with over 20 years of experience in fertility and gynaecology. He has a special interest in a number of complex gynaecological procedures including: laparoscopic myomectomy, laparoscopic hysterectomy, laser treatment for endometriosis and hysteroscopic surgery.

Mr Colin Davis

Davis CJ, Davison RM, Payne NN, Rodeck H, Conway GS.  X Chromosome defects as a cause of familial POF.  Br J Obstet Gynaecol2000; 107, 819.
Davison RM, Davis CJ, Conway GS. The relationship between autoimmune status and ovarian volume in women with premature ovarian failure. JEndocrinol1998; 159, 64.
Davis CJ, Conway GS. Characterisation of familial premature ovarian failure. Br J Obstet Gynaecol1998; 105:55-56.


Tubal Surgery for Infertility. Frontiers in reproductive surgery. RCOG October 2004.

Complications in reproductive surgery.  BSGE conference entitled Complications in laparoscopic surgery. RCOG Oct 2002.

The role of operative outpatient hysteroscopy for infertility. Frontiers in reproductive surgery. RCOG Feb 2002.

Premature ovarian failure University College Hospital London reproductive medicine course, June 2000.

Ovulation induction University College Hospital London reproductive medicine course, June 1999.

Premature ovarian failure, clinical and genetic consequences, the Ovarian Club, Royal Society of Medicine, London – October 1998.    

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